04 May 2022

CPC 2022

CPC 2022

We cannot wait to see you all on 13th -14th May at the ExCeL! This will only be the second time we’ve been able to get together since the pandemic began, and one thing is for certain – there is no shortage of things to talk about. From national strategy to showcasing amazing projects, from clinical guideline updates to career-progressing inspiration – it has been my privilege (and challenge!) to pull this all together into our programme for the two days.

The last two years have been tough for clinical pharmacy professionals, so CPC is designed to be a place you can come to update your knowledge, look to the future, and get practical learning to take back to your role. It is also a place to network with your peers from across the country, to share experiences, get support, and celebrate each other’s successes.

At a national level, 2021 held some key developments for the profession. We saw changes to education, with the foundation year replacing the pre-registration year, and new standards being implemented. Looking ahead to 2026, all newly qualified pharmacists will be able to independently prescribe medicines. We also saw the release of the National Overprescribing Review Report, and a commitment to increase the number of Clinical Pharmacists over the next three years. Across CPC, different sessions will dissect all key policy and strategy updates, so you leave knowing what they mean for you and what’s next.

The pandemic made many of us re-examine our work and lives, and from our conversations with you over the last six months, we know that many of you are keen to develop your career, whether that be through leadership, moving into a new role or building a portfolio career. Throughout the two days, we will have careers sessions designed to inspire and offer practical advice – no matter what your current role or plans. Finally, we wanted to give you the time to focus on your own wellbeing too, so we have included sessions across the programme to help you with this.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!
