08 Mar 2023

AN interview with Ceinwen Mannall - Assistant Director, Clinical Workforce Projects, Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board 

AN interview with Ceinwen Mannall - Assistant Director, Clinical Workforce Projects, Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board 

Please could you start by telling us a bit about your career and journey so far?

I began my career in community pharmacy, Primary Care Trust (PCT) medicines management and pharmacist prescriber in general practice. Alongside clinical practice I developed an academic career teaching multidisciplinary independent prescribing and pharmacy post graduate education, specialising in Quality Improvement.

After 10 years working for Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE), University of Manchester I applied my skills to wider NHS workforce transformation and system strategic leadership in Norfolk & Waveney ICS. I am about to start the next exciting step in my career as a hospital Chief Pharmacist.


What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of leading the creation of a pioneering education programme for England to upskill and evidence achievement in general practice pharmacy.  

I led the vision, planning, team recruitment, organisation to set up General practice pharmacists Training Programme (GPPTP) and Clinical pharmacists in GP (CPGP). The programme now runs as Primary Care Pharmacy Education Programme (PCPEP) and is an inclusive offering for pharmacy technicians and pharmacists.

We innovated digital education solutions, supported individuals in new roles and delivered education across England at the pace and scale needed to deliver the aspirations of pharmacists, patients, general practice and NHS England’s NHS Five Year Forward View priorities.

I presented at conferences such as the Pharmacy Show, Clinical Pharmacy Congress, Life Long Learning in Pharmacy, RPS and authored research papers.

I am most proud of the outcomes which maximised the skills of NHS staff and deliver safe, effective and timely care for patients.


What has been one of your biggest professional challenges and how did you overcome it?

My biggest professional challenge has been to offer authentic leadership, being confident in what I bring to the teams I work with. About 7 years ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and recently menopause has added new health challenges.

Overcoming this for me this means recognising this is my strength and my challenge. Accepting myself as I am, noticing now I manage my energy, letting go of perfectionism, valuing my wellbeing discovering how to support the wellbeing of others. I am determined that this is not a limitation to my career and I choose to be an ally for other women.


What advice would you give your younger self?

Two things – don’t conform and don’t resign.

Don’t conform - understand my own values and what gives me joy. It’s ok, in fact it is good to aim high in my career as well as enjoy fun things outside work.

Don’t resign – negotiate with my employer to create a job I love and want to return to after maternity leave and negotiate with my partner to create a 50/50 split of domestic responsibilities


What is something you would like others to know? For example, advice you would like to give women that are at the start of their pharmacy career.

Three things – take opportunities, enjoy investing in yourself and get a mentor.

Make the career that works for you, its ok if its not planned, look out for opportunities and embrace ‘risks’ if you can, for example secondments, short term contracts, service or workforce pilots or portfolio working to build a range of experience.

Have an eye to the future – gain the qualifications and credentialing you might need for future work and enjoy the studying, its investing in yourself.

Get a coach or mentor, and look out for fabulous people - ask them questions to support learning, aspiration and personal development.
