An interview with Clare Thompson - Lead Clinical Pharmacist and CVD Specialist Pharmacist, GP Health Partners, Leatherhead PCN

An interview with Clare Thompson - Lead Clinical Pharmacist and CVD Specialist Pharmacist, GP Health Partners, Leatherhead PCN

Please could you start by telling us a bit about your career and journey so far?

I qualified as a pharmacist in 2008 and worked in the hospital pharmacy sector as a rotational pharmacist whilst I completed my post-graduate diploma. I moved into cardiovascular as a senior rotational pharmacist in 2014 and was then successful in specialising in heart failure in 2015 when I secured the role of lead pharmacist for the integrated heart failure at a large London teaching hospital.  I completed my prescribing and assessment skills qualifications, and through working in heart failure I met a group of like-minded pharmacists and we formed the HF group of the UKCPA, and published a competency framework for pharmacists.

In 2021 I wanted to advance my clinical practice further and I moved into primary care to lead a PCN pharmacy team and work as a CV specialist, and this is my current role.  I am education lead for the UKCPA HF group, and I also sit on the Policy and Media Committee of the British Society for Heart Failure.


What are you most proud of?

This sounds small – but patient feedback! When a patient says thank you and takes the time to write about this and how your care has impacted them, this always motivates me.


What has been one of your biggest professional challenges and how did you overcome it?

Changing sectors has been challenging – I have taken on a new job, I have been completing an 18 month primary care course (CPPE) and outside of work I have two young children. Balancing the demands on my time is an ongoing challenge but one that is becoming easier!


What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Your career will be long – over 30 years! There is no rush to get to the top. Take the time, gain the experience.  Don’t be afraid to take breaks whether that be career breaks, maternity leave or sabbaticals – work will always be there when you get back


What is something you would like others to know? For example, a piece of advice you would like to give women that are at the start of their pharmacy career.

Be more confident and take more risks – our male counterparts always do this. We need to seize the opportunities when we see them! You can do it
