Alison Ahmed
Lead Specialist Pharmacist Rheumatology,
Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
Alison Ahmed is the lead specialist pharmacist in rheumatology at Tameside and Glossop NHS trust, with 20 years experience in hospital clinical pharmacy. In her current role she undertakes outpatient rheumatology clinics to initiate and review patients taking rheumatological and osteoporosis medicines, including providing consultant support with managing complex patients. Alison is responsible for manging the rheumatology pharmacy service, ensuring patient safety, continued education and training, and driving the department's research agenda. Further afield, Alison is a member of Rheumatology Pharmacists UK, and a committee member for both NICE and the British Society of Rheumatology, to review and update national clinical guidelines.
01-Nov-2024Clinical Theatre 1Managing immunosuppressive patients on admission