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Anna Delf

Anna Delf

Lead Pharmacist for Geriatric Medicine, University hospitals of Leicester
Anna Delf is the lead pharmacist for Geriatric Medicine at the Universtiy Hospitals of Leicester. She works closely with geriatricians and other members of the MDT to progress pharmacy service delivery across the geriatric wards. She has contributed to various guidelines across the Trust and the wider ICB for example the PD medicines guidelines, osteoporosis guidelines and medication in falls guidance. She sits on the Trust’s falls group where she is currently overseeing a project related to medication reviews for high falls risk patients. She also works with the Parkinson’s disease interest group and is the pharmacist representative for medication queries and reviewing guidelines. Polypharmacy is a key aspect of Anna’s role. For the past two years she has created material and delivered teaching sessions for trainee pharmacists for NHS England. She has also been a specialist involved in running and delivering the polypharmacy MDT clinic over the past year.

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