Dr Sarah McAleer
Education, Governance and Research Lead Pharmacist,
Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Sarah has been a registered Pharmacist for 36 years. She completed her PhD in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Warfarin and its Enantiomers in 1992. Her first job was in pharmacokinetics and medicine safety, for pre-clinical and clinical trials for companies in Edinburgh and Manchester. She had a career change to hospital pharmacy in 2006 and since then has worked in various specialties and across medicines safety, culminating in her current role at MPFT. Her mission is to start and expand participation of hospital pharmacy practice research in MPFT and beyond.
01-Nov-2024Innovation & Integration TheatreSupporting your team to undertake research: barriers and facilitators
01-Nov-2024Innovation & Integration TheatreSupporting your team to undertake research: barriers and facilitators