Elsy Gomez Campos
Immediate Past President,
PDA BAME Network
Elsy has worked in the pharmacy industry for over 20 years. Her experience expands across different sectors of pharmacy including hospital, home care GP practice, NHS commissioning and primary care.
Elsy’s passion for equality and diversity led her to establish the UK Black Pharmacist Association (UKBPA) where she passionately speaks against inequality and raises awareness of the discrimination her members face day to day. Elsy also seeks to highlight the exceptional contributions Black pharmacists make to the pharmacy profession.
Elsy has been a PDA member since 2002 and served as a PDA Regional Committee member for the South East region for several years. By training as a representative for the region, Elsy is very familiar with the way the union operates and its commitment to equality and diversity.
01-Nov-2024Strategy TheatreStopping racism at the front line of pharmacy