Jessica Keen
Pharmacy Lead,
North West Genomic Medicine Service Alliance
Jessica Keen is the Pharmacy Lead at the NHS NorthWest Genomic Medicines Service Alliance in the UK, working to embed genomic medicine into routine clinical pathways and ensure equity of access to genomic testing and treatments for patients.
She has recently completed an MSc in Genomic Medicine at the University of Manchester, with particular interest in the role of pharmacy teams and the wider workforce in the implementation of pharmacogenomics in the NHS.
Her background is as an oncology pharmacist prescriber, specialising in Upper GI cancers and electronic prescribing. She is a member of the BOPA Genomics Special Interest Group.
02-Nov-2024Clinical Theatre 2Pharmacogenomics and Medicines Optimisation Network of Excellence
02-Nov-2024Clinical Theatre 2Pharmacogenomics and Medicines Optimisation Network of Excellence