03 Aug 2021

Clinical Pharmacy Congress partners with Pharmacy in Practice podcast

Clinical Pharmacy Congress partners with Pharmacy in Practice podcast

(London)'The Clinical Pharmacy Congress (CPC), the largest congress for clinical pharmacy in the UK, and Pharmacy in Practice (pip.scot), a pharmacist led training provider and podcast have partnered for this year's congress.

CPC will be returning to face-to-face activities at the ExCeL in London this 24th and 25th September and Pharmacy in Practice will be there as the official podcast partner for the Congress.

The congress will cater for clinical pharmacists and pharmacy technicians and provide high-value, low-cost, practical clinical and non-clinical content, big issue debates, and showcase key suppliers and vendors in the exhibition in a vibrant central location.

Podcasting has become popular in recent years.'Pharmacy in Practice will be running the PIPcast during the Congress and will be conducting interviews and discussions with industry leaders. Topics will include current issues facing pharmacy, the future of pharmacy, law, politics, the digital era, and COVID-19 to its monthly listeners and will be streaming live from the exhibition floor this September. To listen in to the podcasts visit pip.scot.

Furthermore, this year at the Congress PIP will be launching their pharmacist-led training provider services. PIP will be launching their suite of vaccination training and will be recruiting up to 60 independent prescribing pharmacists to take part in a brand-new micro-credentialing programme.

Managing Director of Pharmacy in Practice Johnathan Laird said:

'We are very proud to share this unique opportunity designed to support independent prescribing community pharmacists. Community pharmacists deserve opportunities to develop and work autonomously. I have always been of the opinion that community pharmacy practice offers the most interesting and diverse career in pharmacy but things must now change.

'I started my own prescribing journey a number of years ago and understand the potential of pharmacists working as prescribers in the heart of their communities. I also understand the risks. The need to create pragmatic training environments to allow pharmacist IPs to extend their practice and build competence has never been more important. Supervision, competence frameworks and mentoring are all areas that our profession needs to develop and we are now in a position to play our own part in this.

'I am proud that four years after starting Pharmacy in Practice my company is now in a position to invest in the training of 60 independent prescribers to deliver private vaccination services in community pharmacy. We want pharmacists to be free to deliver excellent care to people accessing their services whilst taking a pragmatic approach to risk.

'Services delivered in community pharmacy must strike a balance of being evidence based whilst being profitable too. One of the fundamental responsibilities of the pharmacist profession is to use our talents and considerable privilege to design services that will ultimately benefit the people we care for.

'With the education and training reforms coming down the track we must now take tangible steps to support community pharmacist independent prescribers.

'Our first ever micro-credentialing programme will begin in early 2022. If you would like to get involved please fill in the contact form below and I will be in touch.

'I look forward to working with many of you to realise our ambition of having an independent prescribing pharmacist actively prescribing in every community pharmacy in the UK.'

To register an expression of interest in and secure a place on the first cohort of click here.

For more information and to register your interest in attending, visit www.pharmacycongress.co.uk
