29 Apr 2020

PiP Partnership Press Release

PiP Partnership Press Release

Pharmacy in Practice has this week partnered with the Clinical Pharmacy Congress to become the webinar and podcast partner for the show.

Sadly, this year, the Clinical Pharmacy Congress has understandably had to be postponed but this partnership will ensure that opportunities to learn from the leaders in pharmacy will continue.

In partnership with Pharmacy in Practice the Clinical Pharmacy Congress has today launched a new resource centre. This new hub will be updated daily and will be full of fresh content including the following:

  • Weekly video interviews conducted by our newly appointed official webinar and podcast Partner Pharmacy in Practice read full press release.
  • All the recorded sessions and slides from the Previous Clinical Pharmacy Congress events.
  • All of our fortnightly webinars.
  • All the latest interviews and news from people, like you, who are making things happen and working harder than hospital pharmacy has ever had to before.
  • A resource centre will all the free or genuinely useful tools that companies have created to support pharmacy through COVID-19.

Pharmacy in Practice and the Clinical Pharmacy Congress have said that they will be bringing all of this content together in one convenient place, for free.

Managing Director of Pharmacy in Practice Johnathan Laird commented:

'There is no substitute for face to face interaction with pharmacy peers to learn and discuss important topics as part of our professional development. However, clearly at this time any sort of event that involves a mass gathering of people is inappropriate.

'It is in this context that we saw fit to create a partnership to ensure pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can continue to learn from each other.

'Pharmacy in Practice is currently in a rapid growth phase and our coverage in pharmacy and beyond is significant. The partnership will leverage the considerable online assets of Pharmacy in Practice to deliver interesting webinars and podcasts with leading UK pharmacists. These will be accessible both live and on demand.

'I want to thank every pharmacist working on the front line. As I have said publicly in recent weeks, I have never been prouder to be a member of this great profession.

'I hope that this partnership might help with the sharing of best practise but also provide some reassurance that things will eventually get better.'

Clinical Pharmacy Congress organiser Laura Shapiro commented:

'We are delighted to announce this new partnership to deliver Clinical Pharmacy Congress content online supported by Pharmacy in Practice.

'We have asked that if you have found any quick wins, implemented new processes that are working or have any case studies that your pharmacy peers could desperately benefit from, get in touch as soon as you can.

'Also if you have any heart-warming stories or want anyone who deserves recognition to be praised publicly then let us know on our Facebook page, nominate them for Pharmacist of the month: https://www.pharmacycongress.co.uk/awards/vote-for-pharmacy-professional-of-the-month#/'
