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Exhibitor Scam Warning

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Please take heed of Scam Emails and Correspondence.

It has been brought to our attention that there are companies contacting past and previous exhibitors, requesting data and or money for misleading directory or events services.

Examples of this include a Mexican media company in the name of Oscar Guerrero, Data Verlag, Streamline or an Uruguayan company called International Fairs Directory. 

These companies are NOT affiliated with us and we are doing everything we can to ensure that this activity stops. This is, unfortunately, quite a common scam within the exhibition industry where events have an exhibitor list with a company name on its website. Please see more advice put together by the Association of Event Organisers.  

We have received letters and emails they are sending out and are investigating the organisation involved, but if you have any further information or you have any questions please do contact us.

We’d like to remind our exhibitors to always check out our preferred contractor list within our Technical Manual if you’re ever unsure if a potential supplier is trustworthy. If you're still not sure, please give us a call, we are always here to talk these things through and help find solutions where we can.

We want you to enjoy your exhibition experience, to be alert and to protect yourself and your company from potential scams. In this short video, the AEO explain the type of scams you should look out for, what makes something look suspicious and what to do if you are a victim of scamming.

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