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Exhibitor Success And ROI Centre

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How to Attract Enough of the Right Attendees and Make the Clinical Pharmacy Congress

The Success and ROI Center is your FREE, on-demand, 24/7 exhibiting knowledge resource to give you answers to your most pressing exhibiting challenges, expand your exhibiting know-how and improve your company’s exhibiting performance and ROI.

STEP 1: Download Management Tools

16 Week Tradeshow Planning & Management Tool

Exhibit Budgeting & Cost Control Tool

STEP 2: Strategic Planning

STEP 3: Learn & Fill Knowledge Gaps by Reading Critical Success Tips:


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" is a famous quote from Alice in Wonderland. Unfortunately, it also describes the way many exhibitors approach tradeshows. Industry research finds that only 24% of exhibitors set objectives. And of those who do set objectives, less than 10% take the critical next steps of committing the objectives to writing, developing a written action plan, then executing and measuring their performance and results against the plan.

Promoting Your Exhibit

Successful exhibitors know that the competition for the attendee’s limited time on the exhibit floor is fierce. To get their fair share of booth traffic they do not just rent space, show up and hope people find them. They use targeted pre-show marketing to get “in the mind” and “on the agenda” of the right attendees before the show opens.

Marketing Toolkit 



By putting the best people in your exhibit and properly preparing them for success you have laid a solid foundation that will make a dramatic difference in your exhibiting results.

Lead Management

Develop a “Closed Loop” Lead Management System

How to Capture Higher Quality Leads With Your Lead Device

The most important thing to remember is that your exhibiting ROI is usually hidden in your leads. By setting specific lead goals, taking better quality leads, quickly routing leads to the right people, and providing them with a simple and easy to use reporting process, you will see a lot more of your show leads convert to sales. And that is the bottom line.

Set-Up Your Lead Retrieval - Coming Soon


How to Measure Exhibiting Results and Return on Investment





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